Air Purification System is one of the Best Solution for Indoor Air Pollution Demystified - PetriMed CA

5 Common Myths About Indoor Air Pollution Demystified

02 Dec 2021

With the winter season around the corner, the debate around air pollution becomes predictable. Since so many educational campaigns are being run by several agencies to spread awareness around indoor air pollution, some common myths keep deterring people from considering some effective measures to mitigate the risk for the same.


Many people are living with a false sense of security when it comes to indoor air quality (IAQ). But luckily, more attention is now being paid to the way of reducing indoor air pollution. Here are five common myths about IAQ, which may pose a bigger health risk if not debunked.  

Myth 1: The Indoor Air Quality is Healthier than the Outdoor Air


Indoor air quality normally appears to be better than the outdoor air quality, where people can see the cloud of exhaust fumes, dust, and smoke. But the truth is the opposite. As per a report published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the concentration of pollutants in a closed environment can be 5-6 times higher than those found outside. Levels of some specific chemicals or airborne impurities may be even 1000 times higher.

Some common types of pollutants and chemicals found inside a home are: mold, pet dander, dust mite allergens, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), kitchen fumes, and others.

Myth 2: Only Sensitive People are Susceptible to Health Problems Due to Indoor Air Pollution


Air pollution is a combination of toxic chemicals and harmful substances. They, when inhaled, can lead to respiratory and other health problems. Therefore, everyone who is exposed to toxic airborne pollutants can develop respiratory diseases, no matter how healthy they are. Exposure to high concentration indoor air pollutants may have permanent impacts on cognitive growth.

Myth 3: Indoor Air Pollution is Present, Only If It is Seen


Generally, indoor air pollution is at concentrations that are undistinguishable and odorless. It can never be visible to the eyes as it contains a number of tiny particles and invisible gases like carbon monoxide and ozone. Some biological impurities are also present in the indoor air such as mold, pollens, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses.

Even though these pollutants cannot be seen, they can lead to some respiratory problems and allergies.

Myth 4: Air Fresheners Can Remove Odor and Improve Air Quality


Though the smell of air fresheners can be pleasing to the senses, they do hardly any good to our health. Air fresheners are made using chemicals which can be harmful and trigger allergic problems as well. They can cause poor air quality in case of prolonged use.

Myth 5: It’s Impossible to Monitor Indoor Air Quality


Monitoring IAQ is now possible with the help of advanced air quality monitors. Smart devices are available in the market with useful features to monitor the concentration of PM2.5, TVOC and CO2. PetriMed CA AQM 10 (Air Quality Monitor) is an advanced device that can be used to monitor indoor air quality with utmost accuracy. The level of airborne pollutants along with humidity and temperature alerts the users on several potential safety hazards.    

Often unheeded by many people, enhancing indoor air quality helps mitigate the risk of many health problems. PetriMed CA Air Purification System is a perfect solution to a high concentration of harmful pollutants. It is a complete system, fully loaded with an advanced HEPA H14 filter along with a built-in air ionizer and UVC disinfector.  


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